How Long After Taking Probiotics Can I Eat

How Long After Taking Probiotics Can I Eat? (when’s the best time?)

Probiotics offer many benefits to our bodies, not just the digestive system. Studies have long established that they’re also good for improving our immune system. They might even be good for the heart and help prevent anxiety. Considering their many benefits, you’d want to make the most of probiotics by taking them at optimal times….

Can Probiotics Cause Heart Palpitations

Can Probiotics Cause Heart Palpitations? (or stops it?)

Probiotics are well-known for their benefits to your tummy, but is it really true that they can cause heart palpitations? Although there had been anecdotal accounts about people experiencing heart palpitations after taking probiotics, this isn’t a side effect that’s often associated or listed with probiotic use. Some studies even show that probiotics can reduce…

Do Probiotics Kill Parasites

Do Probiotics Kill Parasites & Worms?

At least 4 million Americans take probiotics for a healthy tummy, knowing that these products can give their tummies a healthy boost of the so-called “good gut bacteria.” But did you know that the benefits of probiotics go beyond just helping balance your gut microbiome? Studies have shown that some probiotics could even help create…

Do probiotics make you hungry

Do Probiotics Make You Hungry & Increase Appetite? (new findings)

Probiotics are the “good bacteria” in your gut, and they feed on prebiotics (special dietary fibers). Because they affect your digestion, you might be wondering whether probiotics can have an effect on your appetite. You know, as someone who has struggled with gut health issues in the past, I can attest to the importance of…

Are probiotics good for gastritis

Are Probiotics Good for Gastritis & Stomach Inflammation? (Explained)

If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from gastritis, you may be wondering if probiotics are a good treatment option. Gastritis is a condition that occurs when the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed. This inflammation can cause a wide variety of symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and loss of…

Do Probiotics Break a Fast

Do Probiotics Break a Fast? (taken while on intermittent fasting?)

Skipping meals during an intermittent fast is very common. This reduces the volume of nutrients your intestines can absorb, which is why you need a supplement to aid the absorption of necessary nutrients. It is thus imperative to know if probiotics can break your fast. Taking probiotics during a fast can not break it. Most…