Can Probiotics Cause Frequent Urination

Can Probiotics Cause Frequent Urination & Make You Pee More?

Due to the limited number of studies about probiotics, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered about them. One of these is: “Can taking probiotics cause frequent urination?” As someone who has experienced the discomfort of frequent urination in the past, I was curious to learn more about the potential effects…

Can Probiotics Cause Body Odor

Can Probiotics Cause Body Odor? (secret ways to stop it)

Someone just asked me, “Do probiotics make you smell fishy?” Another asked, “I wash but still have body odor?” These got me curious about doing research on the topic. Here’s what I discovered after reading studies and blogs on the subject: Key Highlights: Probiotics aren’t likely to cause body odor. However, in rare cases where…

Can Probiotics Cause Vomiting

Can Probiotics Cause Vomiting? (seniors, infants, dogs, cats)

It has long been established that probiotics are bacteria, but they are a good kind of bacteria. But because they’re bacteria, is it possible for them to cause vomiting if you take a probiotic supplement, drink, or food? Here’s some good news: there’s nothing to worry about. I researched this topic for you and learned…

Does Sugar Kill Probiotics

Does Sugar Kill Probiotics & Gut Bacteria? (yogurt, kefir)

If you check the label of probiotic products such as yogurt, you might notice that some contain sugar. Yet you might also be wondering, does sugar affect probiotics?  To help answer your question, I checked various studies on sugar and bacterial growth – and got surprising results. Key Highlights: The good bacteria (aka probiotics) feed…

Does Freezing Sauerkraut Kill Probiotics

Does Freezing Sauerkraut Kill Probiotics or Good Bacteria?

Fermented sauerkraut can be a rich source of natural probiotics that can be good for your body. But you might be wondering whether you can freeze it to prolong its shelf life and whether the probiotics will survive being in the frozen state. Key Highlights: Freezing sauerkraut doesn’t kill probiotics as long as you use…

Does Alcohol Kill Probiotics In Kombucha

Does Alcohol Kill Probiotics In Kombucha? (surprising facts)

As you probably know already, kombucha contains probiotics (good bacteria) from the fermentation process. But kombucha can also contain alcohol – and alcohol is believed to cause harm to bacteria! This probably makes you wonder, can alcohol kill probiotics in kombucha, or do the “good bacteria” survive? Will the alcohol only kill the bad guys?…

Does Cooking Sauerkraut Kill Probiotics

Does Cooking Sauerkraut Kill Probiotics? (what I discovered)

Sauerkraut is one of the foods that can contain probiotics and is known to be great for your tummy. But does cooking sauerkraut kill the good bacteria (probiotics) in them? Key Points: Cooking can kill the probiotics in your sauerkraut. Heating up or warming your sauerkraut at low heat might kill some probiotics, but frying…

does freezing kill probiotics

Does Freezing Kill Probiotics? (In Yogurt, Sauerkraut, Kefir, etc)

Have you ever wondered if freezing your probiotic-rich foods, beverages, and supplements kills the beneficial bacteria?  While it is true that freezing can decrease the number of live probiotics, it is not always a death sentence for these beneficial microorganisms. This article will delve into the science behind freezing probiotics and uncover some unexpected facts…