Do probiotics make you poop

Do Probiotics Make You Poop? (lets find out!)

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Many people often don’t think about their poop, and fewer people discuss it. However, it is vital to note that Poops reveal our overall health!

You might have known that probiotics could help you digest faster, especially when you struggle with constipation or other digestive issues.  But some people experience changes in their potty habits after taking prebiotics.

You might wonder if that’s normal. 

Due to prebiotic consumption, changes in your gut microbiome can cause you to poop more; your stomach adapts to the newly introduced prebiotics.

However, pooping frequently may be a sign of other underlying medical conditions.

This article will discuss probiotics, how they affect poop in different gut states, how to get more probiotics in your diet, and whether probiotics could help.  

What Are Probiotics and How Do They Affect Your Poop?

probiotics foods and pills

Probiotics are good bacteria that are found in your body naturally.

The widespread consensus is that Bacteria are organism that makes people sick. However, we have two types of bacteria in and on your body: 

  • good (healthy) bacteria and
  • bad (unhealthy) bacteria

Probiotics are good bacteria that assist in the proper functioning of your body. They are part of your gut microbiome. The whole microbiome is a bigger picture of diverse microorganisms that live in your body and help maintain your health.

A “good probiotic” must possess certain qualities.

These include the ability to:

  1. Isolate itself from humans. 
  2. Can survive after being consumed while eating
  3. Provide your body with benefits
  4. Be swallowed safely

Each of the 400-600 beneficial bacterial strains in our intestines performs specific roles. Some prebiotics fight “bad bacteria” when we have them in excess and make us feel better.

For this reason, a microbiome imbalance in your stomach can cause digestive issues like constipation or diarrhea.

Although probiotics are not laxatives that induce bowel movements, they can benefit the gut in various ways, which we’ll go over in detail soon.

Do Probiotics Make You Poop?

Changes in your internal bacterial colony can affect how you digest your food. As a result, everything relating to your digestion could change.

Probiotics are not laxatives, but they may aid in more regular bowel movements.

Even though probiotics are harmless, your body may suffer some brief side effects as it adjusts to the new bacteria introduced by probiotics. 

Side effects of early prebiotic use include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Flatulence
  • stomach aches
  • Cramps,
  • Changes in appetite and 
  • alterations in bowel movement.

Probiotics can also cause people to poop frequently. According to a study, people who ingested more probiotics had more bowel movements than those who did not.

How Can Probiotics Help With Constipation?

Each person’s restroom habits are unique. However, there are common symptoms that may indicate constipation. If you:

  • poop less often than usual
  • Have discomfort or difficulty emptying the bowel, 
  • having hard, dry, and lumpy feces

These are all signs that you may have constipation.

Experts say lifestyle factors such as the type of food you eat and how frequently you exercise are risk factors for constipation.

For example, taking inadequate fiber and water may be enough for some people to keep their bowel movements under control. However, an imbalance in your gut flora can cause constipation too. 

Probiotics and their supplement can assist with constipation if imbalanced gut flora is the source. Many experts have researched the usage of probiotic supplements. The discovery showed that probiotic supplements can be incredibly beneficial to persons suffering from constipation.

Probiotics help to rebalance the gut flora and increase mucus production, which can help you have more regular bowel movements.

It’s also worth noting that the effects of different probiotic strains vary.

For instance, Bifidobacterium probiotics appear to be the most effective in making people defecate more frequently. Still, there isn’t enough evidence for prescribing a specific probiotic to help you poop more. 

Finally, as previously indicated, there is hopeful evidence that probiotics may aid with constipation relief. Still, more research is needed before scientists can agree on their usefulness. 

Can Prebiotics Help With Constipation During Pregnancy?

Close to the end of their pregnancy, Research shows that 40% of pregnant women experience constipation.

The uncomfortable bowel experience is related to hormonal changes, less movement, or physical changes in the body due to pregnancy.

Studies have shown that probiotics can help:

  • enhance bowel movement frequency,
  • regulate digestion,
  • reduce the feeling of incomplete pooping, and 
  • reduce symptoms of constipation in pregnant women

Can Prebiotics Help With Constipation in Children?

Dietary errors, such as inadequate fiber or fluid consumption, food allergies or sensitivities, stress, and medical disorders, can all contribute to constipation in children.

A trained healthcare practitioner should examine the medical causes of constipation.

After medical conditions have been examined, ensuring that the child consumes sufficient fiber and water each day may be sufficient to improve bowel motions.

Adding a good probiotic supplement to the child’s diet can aid digestion and pooping. Probiotic bacteria produce lactic acid, which lowers the pH of the gastrointestinal system and speeds up digestion and the transport of the digested food.

Certain probiotic bacteria can assist the transport of digested particles through the child’s colon by increasing mucus production by intestinal cells.

Can prebiotics help With Constipation While on Certain Medications?

Some drugs may harm your gut flora and digestive system.

Others can cause an imbalance of gut microorganisms.

Antibiotics and radiation therapy, for example, can kill good gut microorganisms. Even medications like opioids and other narcotics can cause inflammation or constipation in the intestines.

Probiotics effectively restore bacterial variety, improve and balance your gut flora, and support good digestion in certain situations. 

However, it is crucial to note that taking probiotics to balance your stomach gut bacteria after antibiotics is not healthy. Your gut bacteria will return to normal within a few days after you stop taking antibiotics.

While probiotics may aid in the restoration of your gut flora after taking some medications, it is better to see your doctor rather than rely on your judgment.

Can Probiotics Stop Diarrhea?

There are two general types of Diarrhea: 

  • Traveler’s diarrhea occurs when you travel to different countries.

Here’s how: You may be exposed to foreign infections when traveling (harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi).

  • Diarrhea caused by antibiotics can occur during or after treatment.

Here’s how:

Your gut microbiome suffers during antibiotic treatment. Antibiotics destroy harmful bacteria that are making you unwell. Some antibiotics may also destroy your healthy gut bacteria.

Harmful bacteria begin to dwell in your intestines, potentially leading to diarrhea.

A good probiotic supplement replenishes your diversity of good bacteria in both circumstances, leaving less opportunity for the “bad bacteria” to thrive. Furthermore, a new study has revealed that some bacteria strains can combat specific types of harmful bacteria and viruses.

Consult your healthcare professional for advice if you want to use probiotics to prevent or treat diarrhea.

Can Probiotics Make you Poop More if you have IBS?

Irritable bowel syndrome is a digestive illness that causes stomach pains, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea.

There is currently no cure for IBS, although some evidence suggests that probiotics may reduce symptoms and help you poop more frequently.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) patients have either constipation or diarrhea. Researchers and physicians frequently recommend probiotics to help patients reduce the severity of their symptoms.

Probiotics can also assist with the following:

  • Make bowel movements more regular.
  • Improve your bowel movements.
  • Improve the consistency of your stools
  • Increase the frequency of your stools.

As a result, there is enough evidence to suggest that probiotics can cause you to poop more if you have IBS.

More recent research says that Probiotic supplements effectively treat bloating, abdominal pain, and flatulence symptoms. 

However, scientists haven’t figured out which particular probiotic is ideal for IBS management. Still, evidence suggests that supplements with various probiotics have the best chance of alleviating IBS symptoms.

Can I Take Probiotics if I am healthy?

Probiotics are safe for most healthy people. Probiotics did not affect the gut flora of healthy-gut participants in a research study. However, good bacteria strains may resist new bacteria strains introduced by the probiotics supplement.

Additionally, probiotics can cause negative immunological responses in your intestine. These behaviors have the potential to disrupt your internal microbiome.

Therefore, Probiotics are most beneficial for patients who lack healthy gut bacteria strains.

If you have IBS, IBD, or any other disease, probiotics may help you feel better and minimize your symptoms.

Before you start taking a probiotic supplement, talk to your doctor. There are specific circumstances where probiotics may not add extra benefit to your body system.

What Probiotics are Healthy for the Guts?

Probiotics are a type of nutritional supplement that aids digestion. Whether you have constipation or diarrhea, including good probiotics in your dietary supplements could result in significant changes and health advantages.

To achieve a healthy balance of beneficial gut flora, you can take probiotic supplements or eat probiotic-rich meals. Examples of Probiotic-Rich foods and supplements you should include in your diet are yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir, tempeh, and Kombucha.

You can also take probiotic supplements if you can’t or won’t eat any of these foods due to personal or medical reasons.

Some of the most recommended supplements are Biotics 8 and Probiology Gut+ formula:

  • Biotics 8:

Biotics 8 is a supplement that contains the ideal blend of probiotics, digestive enzymes, prebiotics, vitamin D, and fiber to enhance gut health and well-being.

Biotics 8 aids digestion, relieves gas and bloating, boosts immunity, and increases energy and focus.

2. Probiology Gut+ formula:

Probiology is formulated with four live + potent strains of good gut bacteria that deliver 40 billion CFUs safely and without stomach issues like diarrhea and constipation. 

Here are the reasons you should get a Probiology gut formula:

  • It aids in balancing beneficial gut flora and the alleviation of IBS symptoms.
  • Probiology gut formula aids in the strengthening and “sealing” of the gut lining, the absorption of nutrients, and the breakdown of food for simpler bowel movements.
  • Elimination of bloating, cramping, and stomach discomfort has been linked to this supplement, promoting healthy bowel disposal.

The Probiology Probiotic contains the optimal strains to support a healthy gut. The team at Probiology teamed up with top scientists and nutritionists to create the best possible probiotic.

You can learn more about the Probiology gut formula here.

Final Thoughts

The human gut is home to trillions of bacteria, some of which are probiotics.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help keep our gut healthy. They can be found in food and supplements. Probiotics may help with digestion, weight loss, and other health conditions. Pooping is a good thing! It means your gut is healthy and functioning properly.

So do probiotics make you poop? The answer is yes. And that’s a good thing because it means they’re working their magic in your gut, keeping it healthy and functioning properly. If you’re not already taking probiotics, now might be the time to start.

They offer a variety of benefits for your overall health and well-being.

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